joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Winter Holiday/ Vacanta de iarna

Around Birth will be closed from 23.12.2010 until 17.01.2011!

We wish you a happy new year.

Around Birth este in vacanta intre 23.12.2010 si 17.01.2011!

Va dorim un anul nou fericit!

Address Change/ Schimb de Adresa

Around Birth has moved from Str. Gaetano Donizetti 5 to Vornicul Manolache 5 (still in Floreasca).

Around Birth este acuma pe Strada Vornicul Manolache 5 (tot in zona Floreasca).

A breastfeeding consultant at Around Birth

After a year of studies in Switzerland and a final exam, Claudia Bider Heim has become an International Breastfeeding Consultant.
Please, don't hesitate to call for any breastfeeding related question. We are waiting for you.


Around Birth sa bucura de a avea o Consultanta Internationala in Lactatie. Dupa un an de cursuri in Elvetia si un examen international, Claudia Bider Heim a obtinut titlul de Consultanta in Lactatie Internationala (ILCA).

Va asteptam cu intrebarile voastre legate de alaptare!